Primary 2: Course Introduction
The Course Curriculum Layout for Primary 2 at ICT Click Digital Media includes topics like Digital Citizenship, MS PowerPoint, Coding, Video Editing, and Google Docs. This curriculum aims to develop students' digital skills, creativity, and responsible use of technology tools. Here's a breakdown of how these topics might be covered:
Digital Citizenship: Online Safety
- Introduction
- Explain what digital citizenship means (responsible and ethical technology use).
- Why is online safety an essential element of digital citizenship?
- Discuss potential risks and consequences of unsafe online behavior.
- Protecting Personal Information
- What constitutes personal information (name, address, school, photos, etc.)?
- Importance of strong passwords and changing them regularly.
- Explain why sharing personal info with strangers online is dangerous.
- Privacy settings on social media and other online platforms.
- Cyberbullying
- Define cyberbullying and its various forms (harassment, spreading rumors, etc.).
- Impact of cyberbullying on the victim, bystanders, and the bully themselves.
- Strategies for dealing with cyberbullying: reporting, blocking, seeking support.
- Online Reputation
- What you post online stays online – it builds a "digital footprint."
- Future consequences of inappropriate posts for jobs, college applications, etc.
- Think before you post: Would you want a grandparent or future employer to see it?
- Resources
- Websites and hotlines where students and parents can find help and support.
MS PowerPoint: Introduction, Inserting Images and Text, Animations & Transitions, Inserting Hyperlinks, Adding Video
- Introduction
- What is PowerPoint and why use it? (Create slideshow presentations)
- Basic navigation (slides, ribbon, layout options)
- Creating new presentations and saving work
- Inserting Images and Text
- Adding text boxes and formatting text (font, size, color, styles)
- Finding and inserting images from your computer or online sources
- Resizing and positioning images
- Animations & Transitions
- What they are: Animations control how objects enter/exit a slide; transitions control the movement between slides.
- Applying basic transitions to slides
- Animating text and images for emphasis
- Inserting Hyperlinks
- What is a hyperlink (clickable text/image that takes you to a website or another slide)
- How to insert a hyperlink to a website
- How to insert a hyperlink to another slide in the presentation
- Adding Video
- Supported video formats
- Inserting video from your computer
- Inserting video from online sources (e.g., YouTube)
- Basic video playback options
Coding: Sequencing, Introduction to Online Puzzles
- Sequencing
- The foundation of coding: giving instructions in a precise order.
- Everyday examples of sequencing (recipes, getting dressed).
- How computers follow sequences (algorithms)
- Introduction to Online Puzzles
- Using block-based coding environments (i.e., Scratch, Blockly)
- Simple drag-and-drop blocks representing commands (move, turn, say).
- Start with puzzles that involve:
- Moving a character through a maze
- Creating simple animations or stories